This is a YA contemporary novel that consists of the story in both main characters POV.
WGAT IS IT ABOUT: Park has never been in the middle of anything. This time he will try whatever to show Eleanor that he loves her.
Eleanor has never had a boyfriend or any of that type of relationship with any guy. She needs to learn to step out of her comfort zone and away from his stepfather to understand otherwise.
Rate:2.5/5 stars
Pros: Okay this book has an interesting story from a refreshing group of students, who are what we call shy or weird or anything like that. This means that it made me relate a lot with this characters, both Eleanor and Park.
Cons: I would have giving this book 5 stars if it wasn't that Eleanor was so frustrating! If she could have made the job of being a boyfriend easier for Park and would have been less of a seaweed brain I might have actually liked her. And okay I get it she had a rough childhood but come on!